Saturday, November 14, 2009

I'm so frusterated with my daughter who wont sit still and let the dentist do his job...Please Help!!?

I took my 4 year old daughter to the dentist about a year ago for two teeth that have cavities. The dentist told me to leave it alone and we would fix them if they started to bother her. So, about 5 months ago they started to bother her occasionally so i took her back and she now has to have pulpotomys on both teeth. The problem is that my daughter wont sit in a chair and let them do the work. She wont even let them clean her teeth! I told them that and $200 later they have realized that i was right and that she is going to have to go to the hospital for iv sedation to get it done. The cost on that is about $4000.00 for teeth that are going to fall out in a few years! They are her two front teeth so i cant let them pull them and her not have any teeth for several more years and i cant afford to pay that kind of money for teeth that are not primary. Im stuck and i dont know what to do. Any ideas?

I'm so frusterated with my daughter who wont sit still and let the dentist do his job...Please Help!!?
Seek a second opinion. That's stupid. I'm sure there are sleepy drugs you can give.

Are you seeing a pediatric dentist? Try that.

My kids, 2 and 4, would not be cooperative with their father, but they would when I was there. I have also left the room, which makes them a little more cooperative sometimes too.

Sometimes bribery works really well...sometimes...and a $25 super toy is way better than 4-grand. You can buy the toy she really, really wants, set it down where she can see it, tell her she can have it if she behaves. If she doesn't behave, teh toy goes in teh trunk.

Could work, you never know. :)

(as an aside, she also has to know that if it hurts when drilling, it's okay to tell.)

Your dentist also sounds like an idiot. Gee, here's a cavity - let's leave it be so that it can get worse - stupid. My son has had cavities that were fixed without any anesthesia because they were so mild. It was much cheaper too. Of course, he sits still.

Good luck!
Reply:honestly she's 4. What do you expect. What is pulpotomy?
Reply:There are dentists who can do sedation right in their office - but I don't know if it can be done with children. Obviously it costs more than regular but less than a hospital visit. Look up 'sedation dentistry' in the Yellow Pages or online and start calling around.
Reply:sue the dentist
Reply:take her to a pediatric dentist. they have 'tricks' tohelp with kids that are afraid. i know a kid who knocked out his two front teeth when he was 4 and went a few years without them. it wasn't so bad. also, why does your 4 year old have such bad teeth? please brush her teeth for her until she is old enough to do it well enough herself. it's not her fault she has cavities!
Reply:Did you try a pediatric dentist, they're better at handling small children then a regular dentist. That's what i had to do for my 4 year old.
Reply:There are a ton of places that do sedation dentistry like a Gentle Dental or an office that specializes in children places like this will do it a lot cheaper than a hospital visit.

Also, did the dentist explain what her was going to do or did he just start cramming tools in her mouth? If that is the case, that was a huge mistake on his part.

I don't think there is anything wrong with your daughter, she is only 4 it is natural to have a fear of the dentist.

I would recommend getting quotes from a sedation dentist, look them up online for your area and see what the cost will be.

Good luck!
Reply:take her to a kid friendly dentist and make it fun and tell her what is going to happen is she is good and distract her but definly take her to a kids dentistry they are everywhere and they are the same price
Reply:Find a pedodontist that uses nitrous oxide in his office. You may be susprised but not on every case!1 Doc W

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